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01. Introduction: The Players and The Objectives
02. The game pieces and their distribution
03. The Game Rummy45
04. Score
05. Examples of valid games on the board
06. Disconnections

01. Introduction: The Players and The Objectives

How To Enter The Game
To enter at one of the available tables , click in room page on one of the available seats (noted with Enter).
If there are no free seats you can create a new table by pressing : "Make New Table".

The game of Rummy45
The Game of Rummy contains 106 pieces: 104 numbered pieces and 2 Jollys. The pieces are divided in 4 colors: red, yellow, blue and black. Each colour contains numbers from 1 to 13 twice.
The Rummy game contains four tables which players hold pieces during the game so that each player can only see his pieces.

Extra Joker Each player can use an extra Joker to increase his/her chances at winning the game. This function can be used once every game and only if the player has Jokers in his rummy account. If everyone at the table uses the extra Joker function then the total number of jokers raises to 6 and the total number of tiles in the game will be 110

The players and the game objectives
The game can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players. At each round of the game you pull a piece and throw one.

Picture 01

The objective of the game is to lay down as many pieces and make as many points!

02. The game pieces and their distribution

Grouping and arranging of the game pieces
After being shuffled and turned face down, pieces are grouped in piles and placed on the table by 7. It will remain one piece ungrouped and face up that will be the Trump. The piles are numbered after the number on the Trump. A piece is picked up and replaced with the trump turned face up. That piece is puted on the next pile.

The Distribution of The Pieces
The pile with one extra piece goes to the first player (the one in the left of The Dealer) and the distribution continues until every player has 2 piles. If the piles after The Trump finishes, piles are taken from the beginning of the row of piles.
For the online version of the game pieces will be shared automatically at the start.
Each player arranges the pieces on the board - each has 14 pieces except the first one who has 15. From piles left it will be drawn pieces during the game.

The Doubles
Exchange of doubles is not allowed. The players can refuse the game if they have 3 or mnore doubles.

The Trump
If at the start of the game someone has on the board the Trump, then he will receive 50 points.

03. The Game Rummy45

Game Rules

The first player (the one who has 15 pieces) will start the game by throwing a piece that is useless in his game strategy.
The objective of the game is to gather pieces to form valid groups (suites and formations). Before anything, a player must start the round by drawing a piece. At the end of the round a player must throw a piece faced up. Thrown pieces are placed one after the other in sequence. The first piece twrown by the first player is placed "horizontally" in the left up corner and indicates the start of the row of thrown pieces.
The objective of the game is to lay down as many pieces and make as many points!
If after bonding pieces or lay down pieces you remain with 1 piece on the board the game is closed!

Making the groups:

There are two types of valid combinations of pieces:

The Suite or The String - is a group of at least 3 consecutive pieces of the same color. A 1 can be used to make a 1-2-3 suite or can be blaced after a 13 to form a 12-13-1 suite. A 1 can never be placed in the middle of a suite:13-1-2 is not a valid suite.

The Formation or The Tierce has 3 or 4 pieces with the same number but different colors. A formation is complete when it has 4 pieces. A complete formation can not be extended.

A Jolly can be used to replace any piece in needed in a suite or a formation. A Jolly will replace only one piece. Example: at the suite [9 red] - [10 red] - you may stick a [12 red] because Jolly replaces a [11 red].
Jolly thrown down is lost!
Jolly from a layed down formation can be replaced only if you already are layed down with formations(and suites) and only with the piece that Jolly replaces. For example in 3-4-Jolly-6 red, Jolly can be replaced only with 5 red.


A piece can be pasted to a layed down formation, only if you have already layed down others suites and formations and you have the right piece. Example: at 3-4-5 red you can paste 2 or 6 red.

04. Score

Below you have scoring examples:
Pieces layed down from 2 to 9: 5 Points
Pieces layed down from 10 to 13 : 10 Points
Piese de 1 etalate: 25 Puncte
(attention: 1 in a suite before layed down has a value of 5 pts or 10 pts according with the other pieces from the suite)
Trump: 50 Puncte
Jolly: 50 Puncte
Closing (when you remain with 1 piece after laying down or pasting): 50 Points

Minimum points for laying down: 45 Points

It happens that no one close the game and the pieces are finished.
In this case the game will be closed and every player sum his points

05. Examples of valid games on the board



06. Disconnections

It happens to be disconnected from the table because of loss connection or a bad Internet line. In this case you risk losing the game in progress and to be penalized with 200 points.

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